
Quark in his Halloween costume

Monday, March 23, 2015

Changing the boiling point of water lab

Changing the Boiling Point of Water

To determine how adding a solute to water will affect the boiling point of water.

1. Calculate the molar mass of NaCl.
2. Determine the amount of salt needed in grams to make a 0 M solution of salt that has a volume of 200 mL.
3. Determine the amount of salt needed in grams to make a 0.5 M solution of salt that has a volume of 200 mL.
4. Determine the amount of salt needed in grams to make a 1.0 M solution of salt that has a volume of 200 mL.
5. Determine the amount of salt needed in grams to make a 1.5 M solution of salt that has a volume of 200 mL.
6. Determine the amount of salt needed in grams to make a 2.0 M solution of salt that has a volume of 200 mL.

Results: record the temperature that the water boiled at in Celsius.
0 M
0.5 M
1.0 M
1.5 M
2.0 M
 Trial 1

 Trial 2

Trial 3


Average BP (°C)
Change in BP from 100 °C (°C)
0.0 M
99.5 C
-.5 C
0.5 M

1.0 M

1.5 M

2.00 M

1.  Graph your data using the average boiling temperature (molarity on x-axis and temperature on y-axis) and see if there is a line of best fit for the data. 
2.  What occurs when you add salt to water? What is it causing to the water’s properties?
What is the solvent, solute in the solution? Explain why it is a


  1. Can you add the page number to the lab posts
    that would help a lot

  2. Not really as I do everything by title. In my agenda, in the gradebook and when I post it. The dates I post it should help and there isn't that many labs!
