
Quark in his Halloween costume

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Scientific Methods Lab Part 1: Toilet Paper

Scientific Methods Lab: Part 1---Toilet Paper

Which toilet paper has the greatest strength when wet? Some scientists work for consumer testing agencies to help evaluate the effectiveness of consumer products. Four brands of toilet paper are provided for evaluation. All groups will perform the same standard procedure. This experiment is just one possible way to determine which brand of toilet paper is strongest when wet.

Before making a hypothesis about which brand of toilet paper will be the strongest when wet, the four brands of toilet paper need to be examined. Get one square of each brand of toilet paper and make as many observations as possible about the squares. Observations may include the paper’s texture, thickness, fibers, etc. . .

1. Make your observations about each type of toilet paper.

2.  Based upon the observations of the four brands of toilet paper, create a hypothesis about which brand of toilet paper will have the greatest strength when wet. (e.g., We think that brand X toilet paper will be the strongest when wet because . . .).

3. Write out the steps in our procedure how we will test the toilet paper.  You may number them the steps, but please describe them completely with details.

4. Data Table
Toilet Paper
Trial #1
Trial #2
Trial #3
Brand A

Brand B

Brand C

Brand D

5. Write a conclusion based on the data gathered from the experiment. Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not do you think your hypothesis was supported?

6. List possible sources of error in this experiment. What ways can the procedure be improved to give more reliable data? Note: During any experiment, it is good practice to record if and where any errors or inconsistencies may have occurred and whether they are equipment-related.

7. Write your names and period on a Post-It note (ask Ms. Cotta for one) and write how many pennies your toilet paper held.  Then attach it to the chart paper at the front of the room.

8. Create a bar graph with the brand of toilet paper on the x-axis and the average number of pennies held on the y-axis. (EXTRA CREDIT)

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