Designing a Cold Pack Group Investigation
Background: An
instant cold pack is a first aid device used to treat injuries. The pack that we used in class contains two
plastic bags: one contains an ionic compound (salt) and the smaller bag
contains water. When the water bag is
broken, the water reacts with the salt to create an endothermic reaction.
Your task:
Your group will investigate different salts for potential use in a cold
pack. Using data from your own
experimentation along with the cost data below, your group must decide which
salt is the best choice for your product.
You must keep in mind that you are deciding:
1) Which salt will be used
2) The quantity of salt and water to be
3) What your laboratory set up and
procedure will be and what equipment will be used
4) What data will be collected and who
will be in charge of each job for the group
Your goal/Guiding Question: Make an effective cold pack that is also low cost for your
company and have evidence in order to defend your choice to your classmates.
Amount (in grams)
(ammonium chloride)
(ammonium nitrate)
(magnesium sulfate)
(ammonium thiocyanate)
Consumables: Lab
(ammonium chloride) Graduated
cylinders (100 mL or 25 mL)
(ammonium nitrate) Stirrers
(magnesium sulfate) Thermometers
(ammonium thiocyanate) Scale
water Weighing
Styrofoam Cups w/ beaker for
Safety Precautions:
Follow all
normal lab safety rules. All of the salts are corrosive to your skin and
moderately toxic to ingest. In addition, take the following safety precautions:
§ Wear chemical-splash goggles the
entire time in the laboratory.
§ Handle all glassware with care.
§ Wash your hands with soap and water
before leaving the laboratory.
Getting Started: You have three main tasks to reach your goal.
Task 1: What
type of data you need to collect:
1. What type of measurements or
observations will you need to make during your investigation?
2. Is it important to know the change in
temperature of the solution or just its final temperature?
3. How does the amount of salt or the
amount of water influence your potential results?
Task 2: How
will you collect the data:
1. How often will you collect data and
when will you do it?
2. How will you make sure that your data
are of high quality (reduce the errors)?
3. How will you keep track of the data
you collect and how will you organize it?
Task 3: How
will you analyze the data:
1. How will you calculate the heat
energy change in the mixture?
2. What type of graph could you create
to help make sense of your data?
3. How will you use the cost information
to influence your decision?
Your guidelines (the rules):
Ø Your company wants to produce a
small, portable cold pack that can easily fit into a small first aid kit. Thus
the pack cannot be too big and/or too heavy.
Ø Your company is planning to use 60 mL
of water in the cold pack. This is the
amount that you must use in your investigation.
Ø For the cold pack to be effective,
the temperature must drop rapidly as close to zero (O°C) as possible.
Ø Your company wants to spend as little
as possible to produce the cold packs to maximize their profits.
Ø Write out your team’s plan for each
of the tasks above. You may write in
paragraphs for each or bullet points.
Ø Use your prior knowledge from
conducting lab investigations about temperature and heat.
Ø Your group must work as a team to
fulfill your investigation and prepare to defend your choice of cold pack. Remember that you will need to make a claim
and have evidence to back it up.
Ø You will need sign off from Ms. Cotta
on your initial plan before any testing
in your lab report:
1. Plan for experimentation
2. Jobs for each person
3. Data Table
4. Graph
5. Evidence
6. Argument template
Argument Template: (what is written
in bold is what you need to answer)
The guiding question: What salt is the most effective and low cost to use
in a cold pack?
Claim: (What
salt are you choosing and explain why)
Evidence: (give
at least two pieces of evidence why you chose that salt for your cold pack)
Justification: Explain
why your evidence is relevant and important to your claim.
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