
Quark in his Halloween costume

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Study Guide for Chapter 20 & 21 Test on Monday 5/4

Chapter 20:
--what is a hydrocarbon
--know what is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon
--difference between an alkane, alkene and alkyne
--know the formulas to figure out the chemical formula for alkanes, alkenes and alkynes
--know how to draw structures for alkanes, alkenes and alkkynes which correct branch and numbers of the carbon positions

pg. 749 test practice
1. C  2. B  3. D  4. C  6. B

Chapter 21:
--know what are the six essential elements to the human body and what are the 30 elements necessary for human life
--know the properties of a protein
--know the difference between a fibrous protein and a globular protein
--know the structures of a protein and the building blocks that create these structures
--know about how peptide bonds link the amino acids together
--know the two secondary structures that proteins can form
--know what denaturation of a protein is and what causes it
--know what an enzyme is and its function
 --know what the lock and key model for enzymes is and what is explains about the enzymes
--know the properties of carbohydrates
--know what are the building blocks of carbohydrates
--know the forms of carbohydrates such as starch and cellulose
--know what the building blocks of nucleic acids
--know the bases for DNA and RNA
--know the properties of lipids and the types of lipids such as fats, steroids, waxes and cholesterol

pg. 781 test practice
1. A  2. B  3.  C   5. D   6. A  8. adenine complements thymine, cytosine complements guanine

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